Pokemon Go players can once again tackle the Legendary Pokemon Regieleki as it returns to Raid Battles. Here are its weaknesses, the best counters to use on your team, and whether or not you can get a Shiny Regieleki.
Legendary hunters will be thrilled to find out that the Galar region’s Regieleki is appearing in Pokemon Go Raids all over again, giving you another chance to grab the game’s tricky-yet-powerful Pokemon.
Regieleki will appear in 5-Star Raids at various Gyms from July 13, 2023, at 10 am to July 25, 2023, at 10 am. It will only stick around for a short time before disappearing, so you’ll need to make sure you’re prepared for battle at any moment.
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To help you defeat Regieleki in Pokemon Go, we’ve put together a guide with details of its weaknesses, the best counters to use, and how to catch it.
Regieleki is an Electric-type Pokemon which means it’s only weak against Ground-type attacks.
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On the other hand, Regieleki is resistant to Electric, Flying, and Steel-type attacks, so you’ll want to avoid those where possible.
Here are some of the best counters to use against Regieleki in Pokemon Go:
Don’t worry if you don’t have any of these counters – simply focus on your most powerful Ground-type Pokemon and make sure that they have matching Ground-type movesets.
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If you don’t have any Ground-type Pokemon, you might be better off just using your strongest Pokemon in general, as long as they don’t fall under Regieleki’s list of resistances.
The only way to catch Regieleki and fill out your Pokedex is to first defeat one in an Elite Raid or 5-Star Raid Battle. This won’t be easy, as these Raid Bosses are some of the most difficult opponents you’ll face in the game.
We’d recommend teaming up with at least 10 other trainers to take on Regieleki, and you’ll all need to have a team of powerful counters with Ground-type movesets if you want to stand a chance of winning.
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Once you’ve defeated the Pokemon, you’ll get a limited amount of Premier Balls to attempt to catch it, although it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be successful so be prepared for the case that it might run away.
You can improve your chances of catching a Regieleki by using Golden Razz Berries. Do your best to land Excellent Curveball Throws as well, because these have a higher success rate than regular throws.
The bad news is that Shiny Regieleki is currently unavailable in Pokemon Go, although you can see what it will look like when it does arrive in the image above.
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It’s incredibly uncommon for a new creature to debut in Pokemon Go at the same time as its Shiny variant – especially when it’s a Legendary – so you’ll have to make do with the regular Pokemon for now.
It’s likely that Shiny Regieleki will arrive during a future special event or another Elite Raid Day, but that could be months or even years away.
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Now that you know how to defeat Regieleki, check out some more Pokemon Go guides below:
Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go | All upcoming Spotlight Hours | Current Raid bosses | Arlo counters guide | Cliff counters guide | Giovanni counters guide | Sierra counters guide | Grunt counters guide | How to catch a Ditto | What are Strange Eggs? | How to get Remote Raid Passes | Fastest way to get Best Buddy status | Pokemon Go catching tips
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