The best Hand Cannons in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

Hand Cannons have been a staple of the franchise since its inception, with a few standing above the rest following The Witch Queen's release.

First Published March 30, 2022, 19:53

Now that the initial phase of the latest expansion cycle has come to an end in Destiny 2, it's time for endgame grinders to find the best loot possible. With extra modes added, such as raid challenges and Grandmaster Nightfalls, players will want the best tools to continuously increase their Power Level.

Even if you're not an ultra-dedicated player, having a meta weapon with a decent roll can be the difference between fragging out in PvP or looking like a scrub. Hand Cannons have always been a staple of Destiny 2, with many iconic HCs dominating the metagame at several points throughout the franchise's history.

With all that being said, let's take a look at some Hand Cannons that might be worth checking out in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen.

Best Destiny 2 Hand Cannons

For this list, we've taken into account how viable these Hand Cannons are in both PvE and PvP content. Furthermore, accessibility is an important factor as there's no point in recommending one you can't get your hands on.

Given the Hand Cannon list outline, guns like The Palindrome will not be making it to the list. Without further ado, let's begin.

Eyasluna Hand Cannon

Eyesluna can compete even with some exotic Hand Cannons in versatility.  In fact, is one of the few weapons that can boast of being a top-tier pick in both PvE and PvP. Hits like a truck and has an incredible perk pool, can't go wrong with it. 

  • Recommended perks: Rapid Hit, Perpetual Motion, Outlaw, Headstone, Demolitionist, Kill Clip.
  • How to get: Grasp of Avarice Dungeon reward.

Ace of Spades Exotic Hand Cannon

The trusty Cayde-6 Hand Cannon that was inherited by players after his passing is still as strong as ever. Its perk is useful in both PvP and PvE. Once you get a kill and activate the Memento Mori trait, it's a devastating gun with amazing reload speed. 

  • Recommended Perks: This weapon does not have random rolls
  • How to get: Purchase from the exotic kiosk. 

Crisis Inverted Hand Cannon

The Crucible might be worth checking out as the potential reward to earn a Crisis Inverted is too good to pass. This nifty HC can drop with things like Demo, Rapid Hit, or Opening Shot. A must-try for all Hand Cannon enthusiasts. 

  • Recommended Perks: Demolitionist, Rapid Hit, Opening Shot, Vorpal Weapon.
  • How to get: As a reward for completing Crucible matches.

Fatebringer (Timelost)

A hard to get weapon must have its benefits, and the Timelost version of Fatebringer has them. An all-around beast with an amazing perk pool, the grind to earn will be worth it if you find yourself with a god roll. 

Even if you don't complete the VoG challenge, the regular version of Fatebringer is good enough with a great roll.

  • Recommended Perks: Explosive Payload, Firefly, Frenzy, Kill Clip.
  • How to get: Complete the Vault of Glass weekly challenge.

Bottom Dollar Hand Cannon

The last Hand Cannon on this list can be a bit divisive. Sure, the Bottom Dollar has an incredible perk pool, but it's so massive that the chances of getting an actual god roll are slimmer compared to the rest of the HCs on this list. 

Still, if you're one of the lucky few that actually gets their hands on a proper roll, this beast of a gun won't disappoint.

  • Recommended Perks: Rapid Hit, Outlaw, Fourth Time's The Charm, Feeding Frenzy, Multikill Clip, Rampage, Explosive Payload
  • How to get: Complete Gambit matches

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Featured image courtesy of Bungie.

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