D&D 5E - Just About Sick Of Darkvision.

I'm just about sick of Darkvision. Why is it that every single bloody race seems to have Darkvision now? It makes theming downright impossible; and makes stupid things like a lamp, or the light spell completely useless.

Considering the Players Handbook, Players Companion, and Dungeon Masters Guide there are the following races with and without Darkvision, that are currently playable.

Races with Darkvision (9, 14 if counting subraces):
Dwarves (Both Hill & Mountain) Elves (All 3; High, Wood, and Drow), Gnomes (All 3; Forest, Rock & Deep), Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Tieflings, Genasi (Fire), Eladrin, Aasimar.

Races without Darkvision (6, 9 if counting subraces):
Halflings (Both Lightfoot & Stout), Humans, Dragonborn, Aarakocra, Genasi (Air, Water, Earth), Goliath.

Remember also that Drow and Deep Gnomes have SUPERIOR Darkvision! Which let's them see 120ft in darkness and discern colour in darkness. What the hell?!

Considering the races without darkvision are considerably rarer (except Humans), than the races with darkvision, this means darkvision is the NORM! How is that right? Magically being able to see with your eyes, light sensory organs, in the absence of light... is NORMAL!? Why? What makes Human and Halfling eyes so utterly :):):):):)?

Now maybe you're thinking, "Yeah, but it's because the players want to play cool races... the cool races probably have darkvision, but it's likely not the norm for everything", which couldn't be more wrong. When it comes to monsters that get darkvision, well it's pretty much every major monster you're ever likely to use...

Is your campaign set in a forest area, traditional D&D fare... well don't bother hiding in the dark because the following traditional staples all have darkvision: Goblins, Orcs, Kobolds, Gnolls, Bugbears, Ogres, Trolls, Hobgoblins, Troglodytes, Ettin and Gargoyles... (and this is not an exhaustive list).

Is your campaign set in a swamp, jungle, at sea, or around water; a chance to use those amphibious or water based monsters. Well darkness again means nothing as the following again all have darkvision: Sahuagin, Yuan-Ti, Merrow, Kuo-Tao (Frogmen), Slaad... the only major staple I could find that doesn't are Lizardmen.

Aaah, but maybe you're going for a more magic heavy campaign, based around traveling the planes and facing magical beings. Again, darkness is incidental: Every single breed of Angel, Demon and Devil had darkvision (most have superior darkvision) or truesight; so hiding is pointless. OVER 30 different variants of being and the ALL have darkvision. Then there's Genies, all 4 variants have darkvision. Constructs? All Golems, and pretty much every construct has darkvision. So do all Elementals, and all Mephits; so pretty much every creature a Wizard might summon.

OK, but what about going into the feywild? Well, all Elves and Eladrin already have darkvision, but then there's Nymphs, Formorian, Umber Hulk and Oni who all have darkvision too... so yeah, everything there has darkvision as well it seems, except Pixies for some reason, they get screwed over...

Well, what about deep dungeons, or more obscure creatures. Well, Gryphons and Yetis both have darkvision! Why? Who the hell knows but they do. Myconids are mushroom people, really cool monsters, with darkvision. Rakshasa are tiger-people and they have darkvision. All the old "Greek Legend" monsters, such as the Medusa, Hags, Minotaur etc. all have darkvision. Hell, even the damn Stone Giant has darkvision.

Well, maybe you're playing a cleric or paladin centric campaign and face a lot of undead... Bad news, literally every single undead I could find in the entire :):):):)ing monster manual has darkvision. I mean literally everything: Death Knight, Ghost, Ghast, Ghoul, Lich, Mummy, Revenant, Skeleton, Vampire, Wight, Wraith, even the damn Zombie... they ALL have Darkvision.

So then the question remains, what about all the creatures from the Underdark and similar areas (dependent on setting), your Beholders, Mind Flayers, Duergers, Drow, Quaggoths, Deep Gnomes and more... well, they all have SUPERIOR Darkvision! Because that makes sense.

Considering the Dragonborn, Aarakocra, Genasi, and Goliaths are described as being rare; and only one of them is actually in the players handbook anyway. What we've got is a situation where Humans and Halflings are effectively blind. You may as well be playing a blind character. Every other major playable race and practically every monster or antagonist race you face has darkvision. Oh, yes, and let's not forget Dragons; this is Dungeons & Dragons after all. Yes, every single type of dragon has darkvision; even the bloody Half-Dragon has darkvision.

The only major races I could find that didn't have darkvision other than the ones above, are Merfolk, Lizardmen, Lycanthrobes, Pixies and Gith. THAT'S IT! And Merfolk are one of the few races that it would make sense for them to have darkvision because it's very dark in deep water.

Now am I the only one who thinks this is just a little bit excessive? Surely others agree that giving practically every race on the planet darkvision is pretty dickish. It screws over anyone trying to stealth, it makes spells like darkness pointless because almost everything that isn't a human can see though it. It destroys the point in having candles, lanterns, the light spell, and so many more utilities. It makes me question why any civilisation would bother having light when everyone bar Humans and Halflings can see in the :):):):)ing dark. Are underground Dwarven holds pitch black? Do Elven buildings lack windows and any form of artificial light, after all, why bother when you can see fine in utter darkness? This strikes me as just so utterly stupid.

So do others agree, and if so, would you house rule a change to this?
