Need For Speed Unbound steering wheel supported devices

If you are planning to get into the driver’s seat, take a trip around Lakeshore City, and are a hardcore racing game fan, you may be wondering if your steering wheel will work with the latest Need For Speed game. Thankfully, Need For Speed Unbound steering wheel support is in the game and we have a full list of the supported devices.

So, if you are looking to strap in and play with your friends thanks to Need For Speed Unbound crossplay or just get a taste for the game via Need For Speed Unbound on Game Pass, you can get steering wheel support no matter how you play. Below, you can find out what is supported!

Need For Speed Unbound steering wheel support

The supported steering wheels and devices for Need For Speed Unbound are as confirmed by EA:

  • Thrustmaster T300RS (PS5, PC)
  • Thrustmaster TX (Xbox, PC)
  • Thrustmaster T150 (PS5, PC)
  • Thrustmaster TMX (Xbox, PC)
  • Logitech G29 (PS5, PC)
  • Logitech G920 (Xbox, PC)
  • Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel (PS5, PC, Xbox)

All of these devices will work with the game, you will just need to fine-tune your settings for each one in the game. And, before you launch Need For Speed Unbound you will need to connect the device and ensure it is connected to your user profile.

That covers the key Need For Speed Unbound steering wheel-supported devices that you can use while playing. Overall, a lot of the key devices are there so you should be more than able to strap yourself in for some action-packed racing as you test out the full Need For Speed Unbound car list and play Need For Speed Unbound multiplayer or story.
